Students will experience and acquire the necessary skills to live a life that is more aware, attentive, kind and compassionate, and have greater intra[ersonal and interpersonal well-balance emotional, social and mental connections.
The overall benefits of gratitude journaling and practicing mindful meditation are endless, which often result in students generating a sense of humanity and empathy for themselves, each other and for the world.
Our goal to create a welcoming, safe and nuturing environment for all students to be who they are, right here and right now.
By taking 5-10 minutes during the week to reflect, practice and relax, teachers and students will develop a personal toolkit of strategies for a new way of learning.
Ultimately, we hope to create a global community to change the way educators offer a learning experience by placing student and teacher well-being first in order to add greater connections to class curriculum. By developing better students, we in turn develop better globally aware citizens. .