Mindful Eating Workshop January 2019: Mindfulness Practices for a Balanced Relationship with Food & Eating

Food! We need it to survive. Eating is a celebration and brings people together. There is also another side to food–it can be used as a numbing device, coping tool for stress and overwhelming emotions, or avoiding certain foods altogether only to be triggered by cravings that lead to indulgence, followed by guilt and remorse. Then how about the bombardment of media or documentaries saying what we ‘should’ or ‘should not’ be eating?

What if there was a way to eat from a place of presence and develop a healthy relationship with food?

Since my teen years, I used food as a way to cope with stress and stuff down difficult emotions. Food was a quick fix to feed a hunger that could not be fulfilled by exercise, relationships, my career, alcohol, or any other mindless distractions. As much as I thought of food as a source of nourishment, unhealthy patterns and behavior developed  involving food, which became an outlet to to fuel what wasn’t getting emotionally processed in my life. The experience of eating just to eat or when the clock says so, I missed being present to internal cues of fullness, hunger, taste, satisfaction and more. I felt powerless over cravings and guilty for poor choices of treating my body with such disrespect.

The practice of mindfulness and learning skillful means to develop a balanced relationship with food and eating led to awareness. The practice of yoga allowed me to heal a stressed and unappreciated physical body.

2001 – 2008 – 2018
The Journey towards Balance

If you have traveled this path or are ready to have a more positive experience with food, there is a way to be fully satisfied and nourished!

Join me for a three-part class series of Mindful Eating at Studio A Pilates & Yoga to learn the life changing skill of mindfulness through eating. You will be supported by a community of other individuals who are willing to become aware of choices and empowered by tools to end a struggle with food and eating. You hold the keys to a healthier and balanced life! Let it start NOW.

3-Class Series 

January 15 | January 22 | January 29

Studio A Pilates & Yoga, Dana Point 

January 15th Class I: Introduction to Mindful Eating

  • Identify triggers that affect mood, behavior, and eating practices
  • Experience mindful eating
  • Develop a personal mini-meditation practice

January 22nd Class II: Discover Fullness & Mindless Eating

  • Identify causes and discover solutions to what is driving you to overeat or eat mindlessly
  • Become aware of personal hunger levels
  • Discover sources of nourishment beyond food
  • Apply mindfulness meditation for home and daily practice

January 29th Class III: Nurture your Taste Buds with Satisfaction

  • Learn how to use your senses with mindful intentions to discover flavors and taste
  • Develop skills to stop eating when no longer able to be taste food
  • Be empowered to make healthier choices about food by guidance of inner and outer wisdom

Tuesday’s, January 15th, 22nd, & 29th

6p – 7:30p

Entire Series: $90

Drop-In: $35 per Session