Gratitude Practice…not only for the Holidays


Grat·i·tude: /ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od 

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Happy Holiday Season Friends!

Although the word gratitude is highly stated this time of year, what is it like to be in  gratitude? To be AWARE of what is bringing you gratitude or what isn’t? To EXPERIENCE a heartfelt appreciation of thanks and kindness while it is taking place?

Often times we race through daily moments or stay stuck in past patterns, behaviors, and thoughts. These habits limit our brain from growth and integration, ultimately forgetting our ability to pause and take in what is happening right now, in present time.  Each moment is full of opportunity to wake up to our life in a new way, but it’s not always easy to do. Especially when we encounter challenges and struggles. How can you be grateful for the difficult times too?

Cultivating a skill of mindful awareness and meeting life just as it is with kindness, gratitude, and compassion is a practice. It is a way to help us wake up to ourselves, get in touch with our lives, and how we can better relate to our experiences of being human.

My path, like yours and others, will encounter challenges. Life and its adulting responsibilities can bring us great joys and unmeasurable amounts of painful suffering. But there is a way to LET GO of the tangled stories trapped the mind. Neurological, physiological, and higher conscious connections are made when we become present. This state of presence and self-awareness unlocks the door to freedom.

To offer support on your path of mindful living, a guided meditation is included to help establish an intention of thanks and kindness. Additionally, a home video is included to guide you in creating a daily gratitude dose which provides multiple health benefits (health benefit resource, click here)

Click here to access and download audio guided meditation.

Click here to access home meditation practice video.

I am honored to have shared experiences you. My purpose is to offer YOU the tools to live with more ease and acquire simple methods to help SUPPORT your greatest well-being.

If you are ready to experience a shift in life and embody mindful living, please check out the One Day of Mindfulness Retreat December 8th, 2018 in Palm Desert, 9am-4pm, $95.

Click here to register.

Registration deadline December 2nd. 

By registering for any of the One Day Mindfulness Retreats, participants will receive $50 off the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8wk-class series beginning January 15th @ Studio A Pilates&Yoga in Dana Point, CA.

Click here for more information.