Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1691562440/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_i_c_j-DPDbDQJ1TPX
Excited to share a passion project that has come to life! My dear friend and co-author, Jenny Holen-Chambers and I have gathered our collective resources as educational professionals to bring the Gratitude & Mindfulness Learning Journal to YOU! Thank you to my friends, family, and so many who have given me the strength and support along this journey.
This learning journal is an opportunity for anyone looking to bring the foundation principles of mindfulness, gratitude and journal writing into a cohesive format to explore experiential learning — a type of learning the current educational system has long overlooked. Now is the time for service providers (educators, parents, program leaders, health service providers, grandparents, families) to not only give back to themselves, but to also share the process of understanding our human connection.

Activities in the learning journal will better equip you and our youth with skills to help change their relationship to stressful triggers that create anxiety, depression, and other debilitating symptoms that interfere with presence and learning.
Gratitude journaling and mindfulness meditation practices have been scientifically researched and found to decrease anxiety and depression, increase coping skills to better respond under emotional stress presented by challenges at home, school, and in relationships experienced in daily life. These practices support an integrated approach to the mind – body – heart connection, boost creativity, enhance student concentration and focus, encourage long term memory retention, and may improve overall well-being. Students will experience and acquire the necessary skills to live a life that is more aware, attentive, kind, and compassionate. These traits lead to greater intrapersonal and interpersonal well-balanced connections. The benefits of gratitude journaling and practicing mindful meditation are endless, which often result in students generating a sense of humanity and empathy for themselves, each other, and for the world. Our goal is to create a welcoming, safe, and nurturing environment for all students’ to be who they are, right here and right now.
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1691562440/ref=cm_sw_r_em_api_i_c_j-DPDbDQJ1TPX